Media Relations: Get Your Message Read and Not DOA (Deleted on Arrival)

The media relations picture is more complex than ever and constantly evolving. Gone are the days when the organization could send out a news release and expect reporters to respond with coverage on radio, television and in the paper or magazine–even when there was real news. Old School says the media is fractured–broken. New School knows the media has mutated–changed into another creature altogether and therein lies tremendous opportunity if this piece is handled properly to fit into the total picture. 

It is still essential to get your message out to the media to inform the public. But as noted “traditional” media is no longer traditional, with reporters in long-established media outlets now doing everything–shooting video, recording podcasts, writing and constantly updating blogs. To maximize positive earned coverage you must know how the reporter works and what they want. Personal relationships can often make the difference in whether your release gets read or deleted.

I have personal relationships in the media in Washington, DC and around the world. I also have personal relationships on Capitol Hill, in the Administration, in nonprofits and in the private sector. As a result, I seek to know and understand a given journalist’s needs and interests. I avoid sending blanket emails and attempt to tailor the pitch. Reporters tell me that this is greatly appreciated. As a result when they see my name attached to an email, they are much more likely to click open rather than delete. 

I constantly nurture my relationships, not just to get things done, but because I am essentially a people-person at heart who believes in a win-win approach to life.

As a trained professional with a Master’s Degree in Journalism, I have more than 10 years of experience designing, implementing, leading and advising senior leaders in governments and nonprofit organizations about effective communications strategies that help deliver results in international development. To learn more about my experience including online products, outreach, media relations, stakeholder engagement, crisis communications, and media training, read my bio, check out my portfolio or contact me today.To greater success,