External Affairs: Engaging Your Stakeholders and Partners

Getting everyone to the table is hard enough, getting them to play their role in helping you put the pieces of your program together is another critically important challenge. Healthy relationships with your stakeholders and partners create additional opportunities for your organization to reach its goals. Like any relationship, it takes time to develop and sustain engagement for the long term amid the ever-evolving terrain between your organization and those who are potentially impacted by your work. Good external affairs and stakeholder relations are sure to save you headaches down the road and deliver better outcomes, regardless of if your stakeholders and partners encompass private sector business, non-profits/NGOs/FBOs/CBOs, government officials or more broadly, the public.

History proves that it is usually best to develop relations with your stakeholders earlier rather than later, especially if there is even a whiff of controversy. If you haven’t worked out the details–all the better–because you can honestly tell your stakeholders that you don’t have all the answers and sincerely desire their input. When you get people on board early in the game, it is so much easier to have their support to avoid problems in the first place, and find resolutions when problems do arise.

At my core I’m a real “people person” with the talent of engaging people because I’m truly interested in them. This makes it easier for people to connect with me. I seek to understand their point of view, even if it is not my own. In addition, the experience of living for years in different cultures gives me a deep understanding of cultural norms–why it is actually important to know, for instance, when it is best to wear a dress, and when only pants will do. My professional demeanor is always appreciated by stakeholders. I remain in good spirits, even when faced with unanticipated logistical difficulties well beyond my control–-a prized asset among often impatient U.S. and European colleagues.

Knowing how to listen deeply, seeking to understand others, and developing win/win scenarios is certainly my core competency when it comes to external affairs and stakeholder engagement.

As a trained professional with a Master’s Degree in Journalism, I have more than 10 years of experience designing, implementing, leading and advising senior leaders in governments and nonprofit organizations about effective communications strategies that help deliver results in international development. To learn more about my experience including online products, outreach, media relations, stakeholder engagement, crisis communications, and media training, read my bio, check out my portfolio or contact me today.

To greater success,